My article on DC people's relationships with their parents after finding out the truth
Originally published by Severance Magazine at When the Truth Finally Comes Out...
Therapists Often Just Don't Know
Just want to vent about my coaching clients' therapists advising them not to tell their child/ren about their donor conception story....
My Psychological Transformation After Meeting My Bio Father
My personal essay copied from Severance Magazine: An Open Door: When the author met her...
My Personal Story in Fabulous Magazine (UK)
I was interviewed by a wonderful and empathic journalist regarding my personal story, and the article was released today in the UK's...
The Shock for DC Adults
"Why are you so messed up over this? There are lots of adopted people who are doing fine." Because of the pervasive culture of secrecy in...

Q&A on We Are Donor Conceived
Erin Jackson over at We Are Donor Conceived was kind and helpful enough to interview me for a post on her Facebook group and web site....
10 Things Not to Say to a Donor Conceived Person
People on the outside, looking in, may be well-meaning when they make statements that don't reflect the reality of being donor conceived....